November, 2022



November and the forest is changing day by day:




I escape to Cornwall – land of beautiful sunsets:





I do some archeology on Round houses and Courtyard Round houses: respectively  4000 and 2000 years old. Amazing that….






The amazing Ballowell Barrow – a Bronze age burial site: around 4500 years old.





Then, on to St Levan and its church: renowned for St Levan’s stone, which can be seen in the foreground. I say, ‘St Levan’s Stone’ but really it was rechristened from its pagan name. What that name is is suggested by it shape: let’s just say it was used for fertility rites.





I also undertake some Wabi Sabi photography in Mousehole, focusing on its bulk head ends:








More autumn:






Ah, a photo showing my new book has made itself to the other side of the world: Australia!!!!





A beautiful exhibition of Cezanne’s art at the Tate:





I also do some work on the Nag Hammadi codices:




An interesting book from the incredible Troy Books:




They now have a bookshop in Penzance:


As Summer changes to Autumn, my listening moves from Delius to Bliss:


However, I also read Eric Fenby’s book on what it was like to act as amanuensis to Delius when the latter was blind and paralysed. An amazing account of how they moved from total disfunctionality to Fenby more or less composing with Delius – he includes actual scores to show how they created pieces:



Actually, the book was used as the basis of Ken Russell’s account of the story – Song of Summer. Highly recommended:

Let us not forget: