November, and not my favourite month. For me, it is the ‘pit of the year’ – especially the last two weeks!!
Some love it: all the colours.
Admittedly, when it is not raining, the Forest near where I live is ‘on fire’:
The Holly King, with one berry not yet spotted by a bird:
I prefer the Mediterranean – so, have been taken more recourse in the lovely paintings of Cézanne:
Tableaus of leaves in the Forest:
Fascinating Theatre play: Philip Pullman’s Book of Dust. Situated somewhere between a Children’s fairy tale and adult fantasy. We are in the world of the fight between ‘good’ and ‘evil’. So, many philosophical issues – even theological ones – perhaps surprising since Pullman is a keen atheist. Also, the notion that everyone has their ‘Daemon’ – indeed, ‘dust’ itself – which points to the way that living creatures communication beyond the immediately material and ideational. What I pointed to in my new book as a ‘philosophy of the invisible’.
And, so the final meeting online for our 9 month ‘Introduction to Advanced Practice: Musica en Moviemiento’ course!!
Extraordinary music from Sean Silbe who manages to be both an exclaimed classical guitarist and able to experiment with the electric guitar.
Book of the month? I have returned to Thomas Mann’s epic: Doctor Faustus.