So, the month has been a short one.
Still, it marked a transition from winter-winter to winter spring: to say that there is a soupcon of a hint of suggestion that lighter days are not far away.
My garden feels it:
A special time in terms of celestial movements. In that for a few days, all the planets were lined up in the sky at once, Theory:
In practice, harder to see, but Venus and Jupiter were bright as can be:
Other planets in between were fainter.
The two end points: live.
Apparently, it will not happen for another 40 years!!
I have always been interested in Fashion; so, happy to see a show of the work of Vivienne Westwood – doyenne of the punk movement in the 1970s but then a lively, and creative fashion designer with a mixture of styles in provocative clothing. Her clothes and accessories range everywhere:
An unusual evening for me, I go to see a chat with Geoff Hurst at the local theater.
He was a player in the football club, West Ham United – London. When I was a child, I remember playing with a friend one Saturday and coming in just at the point where England and Germany begin extra time in the 1966 World Cup Final, as they were drawing 2-2 at the end of 90 minutes. I was not that interested in football, but I did sit and watch for 30 mins. Significantly, Hurst scored 3 goals in that game: two in extra time. One of those was famously in the very final seconds of the game: the commentator, Kenneth Wolstenholme shouts, ‘they are on the pitch’, referring to the fans, ‘they think it is all over’….and then Hurst scores: ‘It is now!!!!’
Anyway, 58 years later, I relive this event from my childhood. Geoff turns out to be an ordinary guy: lots of stories and anecdotes, of course, and then Q&A from a devoted audience. The sort of questions that begin, ‘Do you think that it was right that Martin Peters was dropped before the 1963 FA Cup Final?’
The whole event was interesting to me: besides Hurst, the audience, etc. Also, there was an auction of signed football jerseys. These went from anything between 250 GBP – 750.00. Depending on their rarity.
When I was a child, I had a photo of the winning team. And, I diligently sent it around to each player to get them to autograph it – Alan Ball, Bobby and Jack Charlton, Roger Hunt, Geoff Hurst, Gordon Banks, Bobby Moore until I had just one left to get – Nobby Styles. I remember thinking whether or not it was worth the risk. I did have 10 of the players after all. I could have kept it with one short. But, I went for it and gambled and sent it off to Manchester United for Nobby to sign. It never came back. A lesson learn that day…..
I have been reading Goethe’s elective affinities, probably the best novel of this polymath.
The title comes from physics to describe exothermic chemical reactions when an ion replaces another.
However, the novel is about a young couple and their niece and the way they react to a visitor. What plays out is a meditation on the forces between rationality and passion, with an underlying hint as to whether chemistry and physical laws can be applied to human relationships.
Answer…not really….
To end, a historic photo of the Bennett group: the man I was with the team now sadly missing three of them – Michael, Mary and Beryl.