March, 2025



So, the month has been a short one.


Still, it marked a transition from winter-winter to winter spring: to say that there is a soupcon of a hint of suggestion that lighter days are not far away.


My garden feels it:




A special time in terms of celestial movements. In that for a few days, all the planets were lined up in the sky at once, Theory:




In practice, harder to see, but Venus and Jupiter were bright as can be:




Other planets in between were fainter.


The two end points: live.




Apparently, it will not happen for another 40 years!!


I have always been interested in Fashion; so, happy to see a show of the work of Vivienne Westwood – doyenne of the punk movement in the 1970s but then a lively, and creative fashion designer with a mixture of styles in provocative clothing. Her clothes and accessories range everywhere:









An unusual evening for me, I go to see a chat with Geoff Hurst at the local theater.


He was a player in the football club, West Ham United – London. When I was a child, I remember playing with a friend one Saturday and coming in just at the point where England and Germany begin extra time in the 1966 World Cup Final, as they were drawing 2-2 at the end of 90 minutes. I was not that interested in football, but I did sit and watch for 30 mins. Significantly, Hurst scored 3 goals in that game: two in extra time. One of those was famously in the very final seconds of the game: the commentator, Kenneth Wolstenholme shouts, ‘they are on the pitch’, referring to the fans, ‘they think it is all over’….and then Hurst scores: ‘It is now!!!!’

Anyway, 58 years later, I relive this event from my childhood. Geoff turns out to be an ordinary guy: lots of stories and anecdotes, of course, and then Q&A from a devoted audience. The sort of questions that begin, ‘Do you think that it was right that Martin Peters was dropped before the 1963 FA Cup Final?’

The whole event was interesting to me: besides Hurst, the audience, etc. Also, there was an auction of signed football jerseys. These went from anything between 250 GBP – 750.00. Depending on their rarity.

When I was a child, I had a photo of the winning team. And, I diligently sent it around to each player to get them to autograph it – Alan Ball, Bobby and Jack Charlton, Roger Hunt, Geoff Hurst, Gordon Banks, Bobby Moore until I had just one left to get – Nobby Styles. I remember thinking whether or not it was worth the risk. I did have 10 of the players after all. I could have kept it with one short. But, I went for it and gambled and sent it off to Manchester United for Nobby to sign. It never came back. A lesson learn that day…..


I have been reading Goethe’s elective affinities, probably the best novel of this polymath.



The title comes from physics to describe exothermic chemical reactions when an ion replaces another.

However, the novel is about a young couple and their niece and the way they react to a visitor. What plays out is a meditation on the forces between rationality and passion, with an underlying hint as to whether chemistry and physical laws can be applied to human relationships.


Answer…not really….


To end, a historic photo of the Bennett group: the man I was with the team now sadly missing three of them – Michael, Mary and Beryl.


February, 2025



January begins the New Year – things do not look auspicious:



It is certainly a time of low light: still, epiphany is the 6th and the sun is now returning.




I make it up to London for a concert at the Royal Festival Hall to celebrate the 80th birthday of Ralph McTell:



As readers know, I wrote a biography on him


Also, the fantastic live interview we did with him in Trinity College, Dublin.


A trip to Bath and one of my favourite spots: the canal at Bathampton:



With a Scottish focus – where I went next – it is also Burns Night. I celebrate in the traditional manner:



I give a seminar on Bourdieu’s Reproduction to mark the 50th anniversary of its publication:



I also make it to the local theatre for the play, An Inspector Calls by J B Priestley. An enigmatic play: a bourgeois family is celebrating together when a ‘police inspector calls’. A woman has committed suicide. One by one each are found guilty of driving the woman to this – their world falls apart. The inspector leaves. They convince themselves it was a made up story – check the local police station (no inspector of that name) – no dead suicide in the local hospital. They are relived and celebrate when the phone rings…..



A Cornwall trip later in the month. Of course, I visit my family home – Mousehole:






The, onto St Ives:




There is an exhibition on the work of Ithell Colquhoun. Again, readers will know I did a lot of work on here. See:



I don’t really like the way she has been reconstructed by the Tate, and they do misrepresent her in parts. Still, it is a good selection of her work:






Someone who dies in obscurity and virtually penniless in 1986. Her work was then stored in a shed by the National Trust in Exeter. Then she was rediscovered….




A visit to Cape Cornwall – another favoured spot:





Gwithian and probably my favourite part of the coast in Cornwall:



And, Temple on the way home:





Angels at the alter:





I have been reading Thomas Pikerty’s book on Equality:



Wealth has become a black hole – sucking everything into it. The question is, surely, is it too late to do anything about it? I fear it is. On this, I also recommend the broadcasts by Gary Stevenson:


Some lovely quartet music by John Pickard:




January, 2025



December and recovering from flu caught on the air-trip back from South America – exacerbated by 30 degrees drop in temperature and jet lag. And, three weeks without seeing the sun!!! I suffer….and am inactive…..


I drag myself out. The skies are on fire in the Forest:





Then, another birthday – this is getting serious:




And Solstice – I celebrate the return of the Sun King – the Oak King – to the second. Suddenly, there is energy and life again.





London lights and a great play at the National Theatre with my favourite actor, Michael Sheen. It is a kind of allegory on the life of the great socialist reformer, Nye Bevan – with major echoes to present day politics which have degenerated into tragic farce.




Christmas: what does it mean to me?

The best answer to this question is the painting of the nativity by William Blake: my spiritual mentor.

Here, the ‘light in the world’ rather than the physical body is stressed: Gnostic. Of course and always….




A happy time of relaxation and recuperation:









And, then floods because of the melted snow.




Lots of time to read. I peruse:







And, listen to new CDs:






Hello 2025:

Forest Hare leaping:




December, 2024


South America 2024


So, November, and I am off on a flight to Argentina/ Brazil.


First views of Buenos aires from the apartment where I am statying:




But!, rain!!






And, then on the road and La Pampas – several hundred kilometres of road!

Time to talk, meditation, sleep.





A stop-off to see the amazing cathedral of Lujan – famed for its Virgin Mary, the statue of which refused to be moved – apparently.






Then a stopover at night in the lovely town/ city of St. Louis.


Soon the Mendoza mountains are in view:



We are in Lunlunta. The House:






The team:





Three performances: an Art Centre in Mendoza, an Art Centre in Malague, and another venue – a commercial centre – in Mendoza.






Snatches of music:





Also, being ‘on the road’.




Time to celebrate and feast!!



And, now, Porteau Madryn: a peninsula far south in Argentina:





Local wild life – Guanacos:




Famous for its whales: they come here to mate and have young because the waters are calm and warm. The pups – when born – have to come to the surface asap because they breath air.

One needs to be equipped and then – off to sea.





Another excursion to see seals….





And then penguins:








Time back in Mendoza/ Chacras to relax – in the lovely garden of the Air BnB.





New cat friend:



Lovely to spend time over a long lunch with Valentina and Juan Paulo:



And catching up with gifts from Ecuador:



It being Argentina, there is always football:



Soo, it’s time to leave – nut, first, Brazil:



The house in which I stayed:



The main house:





My hosts:



Some of the wonders on display:



The terrain:



Stream and waterfall – with ambient sounds!!!



Audio Player



Audio Player







The best meal I have had for a very long time – care of my hosts:







Then, it is time to leave:



– and what a return:




November, 2024



The last vestiges of summer sun and a country that is turning autumnal.


I make for the far West: my home region of Penwith, Cornwall.


Spectacular skies here. Gwithian beach – a favourite:





And , Marazion:




But, soon, I am in an airplane and off to the Isles of Scilly:




It is reputed that once upon, England and this land were joined by the lost city of Atlantis. But, the sea rose. Now they are a collection of five large – inhabited – islands and numerous uninhabited islands – some no bigger than large rocks. Some of these were once the home of hermits, monasteries, etc.


I make for St Martins. Its beautiful bay:




I make friends with the local birdlife. Many twitters come here to catch birds on their annual migration to southern climes.




As always, a church.




And, then a view of the Eastern isles on the way back to St Mary’s and eventually Lands End airport: 




The next day, it is a storm force….. such is the Atlantic weather in this SW peninsula.




So, next day, it is fine again: I do a tour of the Wells of St. Just.






Time to visit Mousehole and a favourite view:



So, here we are at the Conclusion of the MeM Project. We have our final AAD VII meeting. As always, Kitchen Craft and Lunch is a feature:




I make it to London to see a stage version of Dr. Strangelove:


This 1964 film by the Director Stanley Kubrick is based on a story of an American General going crazy and ordering the US air force to drop nuclear bombs on Russia/ Soviet Union. Famed for the three roles that Peter Sellers plays in the film: a RAF Officer, the President of the USA and Dr Strangelove – a wheelchair bound German scientist. Essentially a comedy, it still has a chilling message about the possibilities of nuclear war.


Was the stage version worth? Well, yes, it brings a fantastic film to the stage with a few contemporary twists. Steve Cogan plays the three roles that Sellers played – and a further one of the aircraft pilot. Actually, Sellers was down to play that in the film as well until it became too much for him. 


That being said, it does not add much to the film, – it is more a homage than a re-imagining.



CD this month – some lively, crazy music from Mexico.




I have also been reading Joseph Azize’s biography of J B Bennett. Pretty copious and comprehensive, whist passing over certain key issues in near silence.





October, 2024


A busy month of travelling and cultural highlights as Summer tips into Autumn.



First, I make it to Venice – a city I always find enchanting. This is for the Venice Biennale: a large international art festival that is staged every two years. Much art, therefore. It is possible to fill five days but managed to bring this down to 3.5! This year, the curator was Brazilian, and chose for his theme: ‘Foreigners Everywhere’. Of course this was an open door for art depicting refugees, immigrants, emigrants, and multicultural contexts.





However, there was also plenty of exploration of identity, strangers to ourselves, etc.




“One is a stranger in a place where one is not recognized, or one does not recognize.”











Venice has to be one of my favourite places. So, time to visit quiet corners.




Also, found the Church that is featured in one of my favourite films: Don’t Look Now – staring Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland.




A Nic Roeg film – again, a Director I find fascinating – Walkabout, Man Who Fell to Earth, etc.

Key to the film? As one of the first statement: Nothing is as it seems…


Also visit Burano: touristy but a lovely colourful place.



Back home and a chance to visit Belmont House in Lyme Regis. This is the former home of the author John Fowles. A writer of his age, and there was a time when we waited for his next novel like one waited for the next Beatles’ record. This to know their direction: what were they thinking, wearing, etc.



It was built in C18 and the inventor of ‘false stone’ and terracotta lived there : Eleonor Coede.  It was certainly worst for wear when Fowles died and has been heavily renovated to the period. Still, it was possible to visit his writing room, the window where his had his desk, his view.






It also has an observatory built by another owner.



Fowles let the garden go wild – was delighted with the animals that lived there, flowers, etc. 



Back in London, I attended a new production of Waiting for Godot – by Samuel Becket. I have seen it several times before but really liked this version. Well acted and personable. I saw how almost each exchange is a philosophical statement in itself – to be unpacked. For me, it also became a play about time. The famous line ‘Let’s go – we cannot – we are waiting for Godot’ is there of course. And then the realization that it does not matter that he will not come : they have fulfilled their responsibility and waited for him.




And, more art: this time the Expressionists: an exhibition of the The Blue Rider (early C20)– mostly – at the Tate Modern in London. This included, Kandinsky, Macke, Delauney, Klee and others.








CD of the month: I have been listening to Malipiero String Quartets – beautiful




Reading. The Eye of the Needle has preoccupied me this month: both as an exercise and the book of wisdom.  



I was also invited to contribute a story to the World Bank of Stories. I chose The Wolf by the German author Hermann Hesse, whose work has always meant a lot to me.


August, 2024




Summer in my garden and the bees are busy on my Lavender bush.




Time for the Beach:




This being UK, storms are never far behind though:



Off to Bristol to see Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part I and II. It was supposed to be an extravaganza with leading British actor Ian McKellan. Sadly, he fell off of the stage the previous week and was injured. So, his understudy took over. Still, pretty darn good, though:




Bath and some favourite country side of mine:








I went up on Solsbury Hill….





And, so too to the Proms: a concert of Ives, Debussy, Ravel and Tchaikovsky. A good programme in fact with a suitably dramatic conclusion from the latter. I treat myself with a glass in their Champagne Bar.





July 2024 also marked when I joined The Athenaeum Club. Founded in 1824 and situated in London’s Pall Mall, it provides a range of services: Hotel, Restaurant, Talks, Dinners, Library – and in fact, somewhere just to sit and chill out whilst in London. The ‘London Club’ is well known, but this one provides for a membership known for its achievement rather than social contacts. Put it like this, I now share a present and past membership with 51 Nobel Prized Winners. Members include Burnes-Jone, Churchill, Gore Vidal, J G Bennett, and indeed King Charles III.,_London


Lammas – the first stirrings of the darkness – and harvest.




In holiday spirit, I have been listening to some 70s ‘Blues Rock’.



And reading Mike Love’s account of being a Beach Boy: another story of a creative groups tearing themselves apart. Shows art happens despite humans, very often rather than because of them.



So, one of their most sublime tracks:


July, 2024






Le Capitole



Where I worked: Gradation LTD, 5, rue Alsace-Lorraine





I used to watch the French demonstrations from the Office on the second floor.


Door still the same!




St Etienne: One of the strangest Cathedrals I have seen




St Sernan: Probably the greatest Roman Cathedral in the world.








Audio Player




Always a good selection of bookshops and books on display:








Toulouse Station: Leaving




The Roman Arch and River





Demonstrations against the extreme Right who threatened to gain a Majority in Parliament.





Nearby Country:



Nearby seaside!






The famous Clock and buildings:













Large Arab culture:



Spectacular fountains:












June, 2024



So, we move into summer.



Wonders in my garden:



Then, I catch a herd of 40 deer in the forest:



Difficult to catch on film.




For once the Aurora Borealis gets as far as my neck of the woods: wonderful colours in the night sky:




A new MeM AAD begins with some 42 participants. We began seven years ago with 8!!




And, so to Cornwall.





It’s a real art week.


Firstly,is their Open Studio week. An opportunity to visit studios, see work in progress and chat with artists and craftspeople. Lots of interesting stuff: like work with textiles and materials:




I also make it to Tate St Ives for two superb exhibitions.


Firstly, a Brazilian artist of magnificent colour and geometric shapes – Beatriz Milhazes Maresias:





Then surprised to see Rothko’s Seagram murals – a special plate in my heart for these. They have followed me through life and I never expected them here. The effect is always the same – stunning in a way of silence.






Then, onto the Penlee in Penzance and a rather fine exhibition on Harold Harvey – unusual amongst Cornish artists in actually being Cornish. Sometimes considered a bit boring but I was fascinated. He spanned the C19 and C20 – so, began with Stanhope Forbes idylls and ended up with Do Proctor contemporaneousness:







I check out the Bernard Leach grave stone to Alfred Wallis, who somehow and inadvertedly began the whole St Ives modernist movement:



It’s also time to go on the hunt for prehistoric sites and the like.

Courtyard roundhouses – only found in Penwith – 2000 years old:




Standing stones steeped in cosmological alignment – 4000 years old:



The Cuckoo stone intersects with many – and is probably the most elegant I have come across.



 It seems it has a relation in a nearby field, uncovered by CASPN Chair James Kitto:



I then stay in a real ancestral home: St. Just



 Before moving to another – Mousehole:








And, then finally another: St Buryan – the church and some screen woodwork affected by a woodworking relative – Abendigo Harvey:






I also visit ‘the Lizard’ – specifically Church Cove and St. Wynwalloe Church:




Glimpses of Parc Garland, the mansion like home of the mysterious Pamela Colman Smith – artist, storyteller, and designer of the Rider Waite Tarot cards. One may well wonder how from this she ended up dying in near poverty in an apartment in Bude. The full story is yet to be told:




Photos of my books on sale in a bookshop in Argentina, South America from my partner Pablo Mandel:




Play at the National Theatre: Boys from the Blackstuff – an iconic piece about the destruction of the British working class. Of course, m it also gave us that dramatic legend, Yosser Hughes:





I have been reading Henry Bortoft and a book on Gurdjieff’s movement/ dances/ ballets:




Music? Well, its summer, so one has to reach for the Beach Boys. This time, Brian Wilson’s 2015 CD Pier Pressure.




This is no Wild Honey or Please Let him Run Wild – still less, Country Air, Surf’s Up or Feel Flows. But, hey, its summer with the ‘mignette’ on your arm, and you are cooling down after a day’s roasting on the beach…..


In truth, most pieces pass in this spirit of the ‘endless’ summer dream.


But hey, then “Last Song”!!!!!!


Some know that I once argued that the Beach Boys’ oeuvre needed to be understood as an articulation of Heideggerian philosophy: