
June, 2023



May/ June tend to be my favourite time of year: there is so much energy around in these months – flowers blooming, birds nest-building and singing, fresh spring green, long light evenings.




Some signs of life around and about here:







In my garden, the poppies come out: they are literally ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ – and when they stop flowering, one waits a further year for them to come again!!!



I also make it to Cornwall. Great sunsets at Lands End:





I do a tour of some pre-historic sites:


Courtyard round houses – about 2000 years old:





Barrows and standing stones – about 3500 years old:





Quoits – the oldest of the lot – 5000 years old.





Curiously, we know almost nothing of the cultures, which gave rise to these constructions – save some seem to be on Moon/ Sun/ Season orientations. One must remember the sky was very intimate to them – they did not know that stars were billions of light years away. One might also think that they had better things to do than heap huge stones into such constructions – like living and eating – but apparently not. These things were important to them.


Beautiful Spring flowers everywhere:





I also visit the Lizard – the most southerly place in England – amazing colours here. 





There is a exhibition at the Penlee of Lamorna artists: and not the usual Lamorna Birch, Law, etc. paintings. For example, Marlow Moss (a fascinating painter) and Ithell Colquhoun:


– check out my article about the latter:



Some nice craft jewelleries from Ella Napier – a significant figure in the community:



A visit to my home village of Mousehole, of course:






Finally, some more beautiful views in one of my favourite places – Gwithian:





The beginning of the month saw the Coronation of the new monarch: King Charles III:





Quite a sight. I was not particularly interested, but then began watching and was absorbed. One notices all sorts of things that were not anticipated: like the only time Charles smiled was when the Gospel group sang.

I am not a monarchist. But, there seems a curious logic in having a Crown who both has ultimate power and no power. This is where logic breaks down: in theory, an elected president would be preferable, but the latter do not have a great reputation – many autocratic and dictatorial presidents in the world. Almost as if we are not yet developed enough to accept the responsibility of democracy.




Very good new production of Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing on National Theatre at home:





I have been reading On the Origen of Time : by Thomas Hertog. An amazing account ‘the history of time’. Hertog worked with Stephen Hawkings and presents their latest thinking before the latter died. Curious concepts: the universe began minutely small and fantastically hot. There was no ‘beginning’ as such since time and space were the same. After the beginning the universe expanded fast but then slowed down and then expanded fast again. No-one knows why it slowed down but the cosmoses we know – including the earth’s – would not exist if it had not. One would think something projected out would slow down but actually the universe is expanding fast. But, it is space that is expanding not the speed of the objects in it!! Time as we experience it does not exist.





Music from Jasdeep Singh Degun:




I do not normally like ‘fusion music’, but this collaboration between a classical Indian sitar player and a group of classical musicians is very good:






Reading Special



Lots of literary works and postings this month:




Guitar Craft Book


My Deluxe version of the GC was published. Just 23 signed and numbered copies : almost all are now sold.



This book was a venture of the Pomera Press project I have been involved with:



The idea is to work outside of the commercial mainstream. After 25 books with commercial publishers, I have a need to work according to my own values. One of those is transparency. In this interests of this, I can say that production costs for this book were 3500 GBP and income was 1500. So, the challenge is how to be ‘non-profit’ without being a ‘charity’?




Conformist/ Non-Conformist Reponses to the Crisis in French Catholicism




I have always been interested in the way ideas shape society and are shaped by it.


Here is my study of the way French intellectuals responded to the ‘crisis’ in French Catholicism. France was always an avowedly Catholic country, partly as a result of its traditional, rural population.


However, from the C18 and C19 centuries, there was creeping, and then accelerating, secularization – what they called ’dechristianisation’. Invariably, this went with urbanization: the move from country to town and the destruction of traditional social structures, and with this beliefs.


This study sets out the situation; tracks the response of the Church to it – in the form of a series of ‘missions’ and Christian groups, and then the so-called ‘non-conformists’ of the 1930s. The latter responded both to the processes of secularization and what to do about it, and also flirted with alternatives to American Capitalism: Communism and Fascism.


Many projected a position of ‘Ni droite, ni gauche’, politically (neither right, nor left’. They were also ‘revolutionary’ – but of the spirit. A common theme was ‘ L’épanouissement de la personne’ – literally, ‘the blossoming of the person’ – or soul. How to bring this about through a range of social movements is also included in the study – like the ‘Peuple et Culture’ group who set about  developing a series of adult education (educationpermanente) groups to develop the cultural dimensions of French citizens (reading, photography, tourism, art, music, etc.) These were the precursors of the ‘Maisons de la Culture’ of the early 5th Republic.


There is also an account of the “Prêtres ouvriers’, where ‘worker priests were employed in factories to animate religious aspects of work life; offering Mass during the lunch breaks, etc.


See here:


See also chapters 3 and 4 of my book: Bourdieu’s Metanoia (2023 Routledge).





The Linguistic Corpus of Orléans: A Bourdieusian Analysis



In memory with gratitude to my friend and mentor Michel Blanc



I began my studies in Applied Linguistics with little or no intention to continue my work with the social philosophy of Pierre Bourdieu. However, it once again became immediately obvious that Bourdieu’s thinking about language was so much ahead of what was taken as orthodox linguistic study. His critique of Chomskyan transformational grammar was a case in point: a theory in search of a practice, or the study of something that simply did not exist. More on all this here:





Which is how I was confronted with a cupboard with hundreds of real-to-reel tapes in it at the University of London. They originated from a Sociolinguistic corpus that had been collected in Orléans, France in 1969. This had been a major undertaking, supported by large amounts of State sponsorship. The planning team had included Bourdieu and my then lecturer and mentor Michel Blanc. Various questionnaires (Sociolinguistic, Open-ended, and Close-ended) had been administered to a sample of 600 of the Orléans populace, of which 147 were finally also interviewed and recorded. The sample included individuals from across socio-economic categories, from manual and service workers industrial and commercial executives.  But, then, the recordings, etc. had more or less been left…



Details of my study are set out in the extracts that follow. There are many academic issues about the theory and practice of language, its variability, what is legitimate language within one context and another, and how social provenance affects all this. These are explored in the text from a Bourdieusian perspective.



I worked with a smaller sample of the corpus – about 20 individuals. My approach was first to analyse their responses to the sociolinguistic questionnaire: what they thought about ‘good’ speech, the use of dictionaries and fountain pens, who spoke best in the neighbourhood, etc. But, I also undertook various analyses of their actual language use: incidents of elisions and liaisons in their speech, syntax, cohesion and semantic formulations, etc. There was also some correlation across these various studies.


It was fascinating listening to what they had to say. The ‘events’ of Mai 1968 were only a year passed and they had all had plenty to say about them. One could also grasp a whole different relationship to language – say between a rich manual worker made good and a secretary. In this way, it was possible to show that language use does not always correlate with economic capital – cultural capital was the main influencing factor! Luckily, Michel had already done some work with another mentor of mine – Alex Mullineaux – in combining occupational and educational capital within the corpus. I used their work.


At one point, the respondents were asked how you make an omelet: theory, practice, and language.  I actually recorded these extracts and was intending to do a PhD on a study of the sociolinguistic variation within  – but that is a story……


I was lucky enough to be able to speak to Bourdieu about this work both as it was proceeding and the final results I came up with. At the time it was a unique study – left, like so many others – underdeveloped. The study was very labour intensive. I spent hours and hours listening to tapes, rewinding, listening again, transcribing, with a counter in hand. As Bourdieu often said to me, working with empirical data with his approach was ‘très coûteux’, Indeed!!!


I set my work against the whole sociolinguistic versus social psychology debate; also sociology of language itself; and writers exploring the ‘symbolic value of language’ (the original title of the research) – Sankoff, Thibaut, etc.


See here:






The Notebook of Kathryn Hulme


Kathryn Hulme (1990 – 1981) was an American novelist. She is best known for writing The Nun’s Story. However, she was also a student of Gurdjieff and a member of The Rope – the all-female Movements Group based in Paris.





I came across her Notebook on Gurdjieff’s ideas, which make for interesting reading:



May, 2023


Spring/ Autumn Odyssey:  


I say ‘Spring/ Autumn’ since I leave UK in the Spring and arrive in Argentina in the Autumn. Ostensibly to play guitar but – hmmm – quite a lot of eating and socialising as well, it seems!


Gurdjieff’s philosophy argues that there are three types of ‘spirit’ food : the food we eat, air, and impressions. It is only the last that deprives us of life. So, this is what (some of) my stay looked like:: 


Arrival – home and eating:







To the course:





Camp Chascomus: we are on to play.













The company I keep!!!:






My partner in crime – Luciano:



Luciano is a Master of the guitar – and Paella:





Post tour party:





Moved by the music:




Across the generation gap – me and Santino:













Transfiguration – or transubstantiation!!??



To Rosario:






Honouring the monument to the founding of the Argentinian flag:






My home in Chacras, Mendoza:




The Panama Club!!




Celebratory dinner with my friend Andres from Mendoza – a Master of the guitar – and food and drink!!



Then, a beautiful evening with the Master (mistress??!) dancer Valentina Fusari and her fine partner Jean-Pablo:



Ugos beautiful garden and I play with fire – literally. 







I fall in love with Ugo’s dog – Bambina:




Back to Buenos Aires and work with my Pomera Press partner:










But, yes, eating and drinking as well.





We launch the Guitar Craft Introduction I wrote:






Catching up with friends – ‘real’ musicians – in their studio – Kimono Studios, Buenos Aires.

 In this context, they are working with their Genesis tribute band Genetics. It sounded amazing to me – like this is complicated music and they have nailed it. They are hospitable and let us play their instruments. Claudio also explains some of the intricate tunings necessary to render this music – like Open F sharp which seem to have three top strings all tuned to F sharp. But, then it is played and a well known Genesis classic emerges.






Finally, leaving and back to the Business lounge:







While all of this was going on, there was not much time to actually ‘listen’ to music. However, you know how it is how a particular piece sticks in your mine: this time one of my favourites by Ralph Mctell:


sadly, I could not find a Live version of this. This version is recorded and so has (unnecessary) backing music and singers. But, that is the problem with people like Ralph: they are best just on their own, but it is a brave musician who record nothing but therm and their guitar for 40 years!! Interesting, the various records are kind of time capsules on style of the day.


Anyway, in this song Ralph captures what it is to be apart and connected: with all that we know and love but more – the distant indigenous spirits. One!



‘Coincidentally’ (my fiend Ken Lawton used to say that coincidence was when God wished to remain anonymous!!) I picked up and was reading another ‘travel book’, Robert Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Mechanics. I first read this in the 1970s when my Lecturer Rae Beaver recommended it. Rae was amongst the most influential teachers I have been lucky to have – he set me on a course I have traveled ever since. The book has two important themes for me: travel – leaving and arriving, the velocity of moving, our relationship to mechanical apparatus that propelled us, indeed all material objects; and a philosophical treatise on Quality. The latter is bewitching and beguiling and Pirsig brings the themes together in a brilliant fashion: the protagonist ‘sees’ the fundamental flaw in philosophy and asks THE question to his philosophy lecturer – an effort that results in the former having a complete breakdown. In this sense the book, a bit like Hesse’s Steppenwolf, is th account of someone’s recovery – but what is lost in that recovery. 



Pirsig only wrote two books: the second one – Lila – is all very good and essential reading. 








April, 2023




March was a month that continued Winter unabated.


Still spring struggled to break through in my garden.






Down to Cornwall for a trip:


First, a stop off for one of my favourite views: over ST Ives Bay.






As normal, I visit my home village of Mousehole. Hey, we even have a street named after us:





I meander around: the large granite stones on the pier.






When I was a child, used to stand on one of the rings they used to tie up boats. It made a ringing tone like a bell you could hear across the harbor. Much rusted, but the ring is still there, and so is the ringing!!




Audio Player


Then and Now photo: Then: a painting by Stanhope Forbes – that is my uncle William – the carpenter – in the front of the painting. Now: same scene today.




Wild skies here:






Back to St Ives and the Tate has all things Barbara Hepworth:








I go on a Dowsing trip to Gunwalloe. An unusual church: sited almost on the beach and with a separate Tower. The Tower is the node point of the Apollo and Athenian Energy lines.




I was pleased to see inside the tower. It has six bells operated by levers. Producing quite a sound!!



Audio Player


On the way back, I visit another favourite site: Temple Church – where once the Knights Templars had an Abbey.






More Dowsing, we look at the Cosmati Pavement in Westminster Abbey. Created in the C13 by the famous Roman family it has some 80.000 pieces. At its central point, the Monarch is always crowned – and so Charles will be next month!






I have been reading transcriptions of Sofia Ouspensky’s talks – more aphorism than talk, but no less insightful.






Listening to the quartets of Alfred Schnittke: another composer who, like Gorecki, suffered at the hands of the state for his approach to music and the values it transmitted.





Now off to ‘play’ with this bunch of reprobates:









March, 2023



Arriving back in the UK from South America was a shock to the system – one produced by a loss of +30 temperature!! It is easy for the body to go into catatonic shock.  Winter skies:





Imbolg came and went which signifies ‘the first stirrings of the light’. Such has been the case, and the light is getting stronger. Some flowers have raised their heads. But, it has remained cold, grey and damp for the most part:





Lots of internal/ house activity – too cold to go out. A brilliant new play by David Hare: Straight Line Crazy. Of course, it helped having Ralph Fiennes in the lead role – one of our best actors these days.






It tells the biographical story of Robert Moses, who was a key property developer in New York in the first half of the twentieth century. The title comes from his obsession to join any two points with a Freeway – no matter what they destroyed.

The undercurrent story is, however, more contemporary: the corrupt link between politics and commerce, how politicians manipulate, the nature of power, and the way populism is stoked for the advantage it gives to all of these.

Some excellent dialogues.

Peter Gabriel appeared with new songs – it has been 20 years since the last ones (apart from the odd film piece). It’s a very different looking Gabriel – now into his 70s.




The idea is that one song will be released at each Full Moon: how things have changed. Once upon a time, there would be a record/ CD release, which people bought. Now songs are released and gain income from the publicity they generate.  High expectations. Good then to see him developing new (less cluttered) sounds and songs with contemporary themes. The first two were:


Panopticon: (sic. Think about it) – about the universe of ‘information’ that now controls us.


The Court: a strange song with multiple rhythms. The theme here is ‘justice’ – or at least the lack of it for most – rather something for the rich.


I was once a big fan and will still follow what he is up to.

I am very aware that many of those that led us – that showed us the way – are beginning to drop over the precipice.


The book I have been engaging with is from  Sri Aurobindo:





A kind of taxonomy of Consciousness.




January/ February – Christmas Odyssey, 2023


I sent six weeks in South America/ Argentina from December – January. 


Impressions, they say, are food. I was well fed:









































































































































December, 2022




November, and not my favourite month. For me, it is the ‘pit of the year’ – especially the last two weeks!!


Some love it: all the colours.


Admittedly, when it is not raining, the Forest near where I live is ‘on fire’:









The Holly King, with one berry not yet spotted by a bird:






I prefer the Mediterranean – so, have been taken more recourse in the lovely paintings of Cézanne:






Tableaus of leaves in the Forest:







Fascinating Theatre play: Philip Pullman’s Book of Dust. Situated somewhere between a Children’s fairy tale and adult fantasy. We are in the world of the fight between ‘good’ and ‘evil’. So, many philosophical issues – even theological ones – perhaps surprising since Pullman is a keen atheist. Also, the notion that everyone has their ‘Daemon’ – indeed, ‘dust’ itself – which points to the way that living creatures communication beyond the immediately material and ideational. What I pointed to in my new book as a ‘philosophy of the invisible’.




And, so the final meeting online for our 9 month ‘Introduction to Advanced Practice: Musica en Moviemiento’ course!!






Extraordinary music from Sean Silbe who manages to be both an exclaimed classical guitarist and able to experiment with the electric guitar.




Book of the month? I have returned to Thomas Mann’s epic: Doctor Faustus.



November, 2022



November and the forest is changing day by day:




I escape to Cornwall – land of beautiful sunsets:





I do some archeology on Round houses and Courtyard Round houses: respectively  4000 and 2000 years old. Amazing that….






The amazing Ballowell Barrow – a Bronze age burial site: around 4500 years old.





Then, on to St Levan and its church: renowned for St Levan’s stone, which can be seen in the foreground. I say, ‘St Levan’s Stone’ but really it was rechristened from its pagan name. What that name is is suggested by it shape: let’s just say it was used for fertility rites.





I also undertake some Wabi Sabi photography in Mousehole, focusing on its bulk head ends:








More autumn:






Ah, a photo showing my new book has made itself to the other side of the world: Australia!!!!





A beautiful exhibition of Cezanne’s art at the Tate:





I also do some work on the Nag Hammadi codices:




An interesting book from the incredible Troy Books:




They now have a bookshop in Penzance:


As Summer changes to Autumn, my listening moves from Delius to Bliss:


However, I also read Eric Fenby’s book on what it was like to act as amanuensis to Delius when the latter was blind and paralysed. An amazing account of how they moved from total disfunctionality to Fenby more or less composing with Delius – he includes actual scores to show how they created pieces:



Actually, the book was used as the basis of Ken Russell’s account of the story – Song of Summer. Highly recommended:

Let us not forget:




October, 2022



Well, autumn came to my garden this month:




And the Queen died:





Coronated in the year of my birth, she has always been there in my life: No longer….





I always felt that things would unravel when she died, and so it has been. The Centre really does not hold now. I have never been a great Monarchist but, given the need for a figurehead, I felt she did a better job than a politician ever would. President Johnson, anyone?





Large queues to file past her coffin. On the morning of the funeral, there was a sense in the air – the intention. The Church services were pretty standard – she had asked for a short, non-boring ceremony. But, the walking along the streets of London and in Windsor, were pretty impressive.





Whatever anyone did that day, the event defined them. Now we have a King – Charles III. I hope he fairs better than I and II.









Speaking of Kings, I watched King Lear by Shakespeare. An altogether strange play; but pertinent perhaps in the way ‘the land’ reflects the psychic state of its monarch. Lear goes crazy after asking his daughters how much they love him. Because the one he loves best will not say, he wrecks havoc. Of course, corruption in the Court gets out of control because he is not paying attention!!



Ian McKellan is a great actor, but I did not like his Lear this time – he played him as a geriatric, whilst there is a deeper reason for Lear’s Madness.






The other play was “As you Like It” – a splendid comedy based around loving couples and mistaken identities. I love the way that a woman only has to have her hair cut in Shakespeare play to be mistaken for a man. Hilarity, of course, when she is discovered as she is. Great production from the National Theatre.




So, a new book by me !!!





I write about its Genesis here:




It is a summative statement by me of over forty year’s engagement with the work of the French social philosopher, Pierre Bourdieu. I met him first in 1981, and he became a kind of intellectual mentor to me. As I say, in the 1980s, it was like Rock ‘n Roll – we thought we were going to change the world with these ideas. Anyway, I sense I have been able to say something new in this book. “Final thoughts…” ? Maybe….




The Musica en Moviemiento 9 month – Introduction to Advanced Practice – rolls on. Some excellent work here as we are in month seven. Completion in Mendoza, Argentina in December.





Aaaahhh, I finally empty my self-storage container. More books and things in the house now but 120 GBP per month is just too much!! The last item: a table I made at the age of 15 for my CSE Woodwork examination. Still going strong!!





I also uncover some of my watercolours:







What’s this Guitar Craft aphorisms?





I have been reading a biography of W. G. Sebald:




And, listening to Charles Ives:







September, 2022



Summer Special : Personal Odyssey





August and well into the year. AND, it did turn out to be a full and inauspicious month – as well as the usual delights of the month.


We began with the festival of Lammas, or Loaf Mass Day – Lughnasach – traditionally with acknowledgement of the ‘first stirrings of the Darkness’. And, so it turned out to be: we began the month with 38 degrees Mediterranean sunshine and ended with 14 degrees of wet autumn weather.


I undertook somewhat of personal Odyssey for me.


I was down to do a Conference talk in the West of England. This allowed me to visit places I had not been to for a while – with travelling and then the pandemic.


First, a delightful town near Bath: Bradford-upon-Avon. I used to catch a bus here from my home and walk around its environs :







Some of my favourite buildings: the Old Granary and the Saxon Church – St Lawrence:







The Church dates from circa 1000 (but founded earlier) and was replaced by another church. The old one was then converted into a house/ school – and only then rediscovered as a Church in 1856. It is one of the most complete Saxon churches in the country. The altar – the light around it only appeared in the photo – it was dark inside!!?






The on to Little Solsbury Hill – again, a favorite walking place for me:








And, yes, made famous by Peter Gabriel:





Then, on again to Bristol – my home town for much of my childhood. Famous locales: the Clifton Suspension Bridge, the Old Granary, and St Mary Redcliffe Church (a Parish Church but more like a Cathedral).











Another favourite building on mine near St John’s Gate – the old entrance to the city and place of a medieval waterspout. It depicts the history of the printed world. There were crowds in the street when it was first unveiled in the C19.





Harbour Area:







Less well known places: Cabot’s Tower – named after the discoverer of America. It used to flash out Bristol in Morse Code.






Park Street, with the Wills Tower of the University at it head. The wealth of Bristol was built on the slave trade from the C17 – C19, then tobacco and aerospace industries. Park Street used to be very sedate with the best, high-class shops located there. Now it is full of take-aways.






At its foot, the Mauritania – named after the famous ship. Here, it was first a Hotel and hostelry. I remember it as a child for its neon sign, which is still there. It was also the first place I went for a ‘grown up’ meal. In the 1960s, many pubs and restaurants were bought up by Berni Inns, who were the first to offer ‘working’ families a taste of dining away from home cooking. I treated it as sanctuary.






A little later, the Coronation Tap just over from the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Famous for selling traditional Cider – mostly VERY dry and from Somerset.





Also identified at least one urban art piece by that anonymous street artist: Banksy  –






Another day, and I visit my home district. This was the result of the new, post-war social project. So, new schools, houses, shops, churches, etc.




This was a very then and now experience for me:



Social housing – now demolished and replaced with private houses.







The Church I attended – now replaced by private houses:






The shops: my mother would buy all her provisions here – there was a post-office, butcher, greengrocer, pharmacy, fish ship, grocer. Now:






The ‘Co-op’ that sold everything for the home: cloths, materials, toys, cleaning. Customers opened an account and received a dividend – money – based on a percentage of what they bought. Hence, ‘co-operative’ – part of the socially minded post war ethos. Now gone. This dividend system was replaced with ‘blue stamps’ – a mimic of the American ‘Green Shield Stamps’.






All the streets were named after painters: Turner, Blake, Cotman, Landseer, Constable. Gainsborough Square sported a lovely pub called the Blue Boy with a mosaic of the Gainsborough painting of the same name. Now:







My home street and the green we played on. Most of the families were of the same generation so there were many children around.






Our home: my bedroom was above the front door – a porch, now a strange construction. My mother kept a lovely front garden, surrounded by hedges. Now:







We were surrounded by rough fields where we would play. ‘Up’ the fields and Purdown. Entrances to these place now:








My Primary (Romney Avenue Primary School) school now:






My Infant School has fared a little better. These are still the actual buildings I attended. However, children these days seem to need a lot of protecting:






My secondary School – one of the new Grammar/ Comprehensive School projects:






And, Now:






Our playing sports field:






And, so, on to Glastonbury and the Conference of the Powys Society. My topic was ‘John Cowper Powys and William Blake’. Here is the Powerpoint and Script:


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A lively weekend – someone commented that they had never had anything like my talk before. I called it ‘an expansive gloss’ since its three main subjects – Powys, Blake and Gnosis – are each extensive topics. So, synthesizing them in 45 mins. is no mean feat. We also walked up on St Michael’s Hill in Montacute the childhood home of the Powys family.  




Reading extracts from Powys’ novels that include descriptions of these locales:





Sure was hot – 38 degrees – however, we were rewarded with a handy in a local pub (a mixture of lemonade and beer, for those who do not know)    




I call off at Glastonbury for some ‘spiritual’ sustenance at the Chalice Well garden:




Later, Part 2 of the Musica en Moviemiento ‘Introduction to Advanced Practice’ began with an Inaugural Zoom Meeting and Theme presentation:





CD of the month – the latest from William Orbit:






And, book of the month – well, what else:










August, 2022



A very strange sort of summer.  The sky says it all: a sign!!!




So, rocketing inflation, War in the Ukraine, UK politics descend to slapstick, Climate crisis as the earth burns, COVID still around – general disintegration – etc., etc.


Sure is hot in my garden:






But, life goes on….

I am preparing a talk I am to give on ‘John Cowper Powys and William Blake’.







My point of reference is Gnosticism – a topic I have considered for some time:



Powys is/ was somewhat of a wild writer of philosophy and fiction:


One of three renowned writers from the same family: the others being Llewellyn and Theodore. In preparation for this talk I have been re-reading Powys’ Glastonbury Romance – a highly charged epic set in that legendary Somerset town.






So, all things pastoral and the spirit of nature this time of year:



And, some more work on dowsing:






Yes! And folk music. I visit the New Forest Folk Festival – for the first time! – in its 10 years of activity. It is kind of a ‘mini festival’ : plenty of room, spatial audience, and a handful of eating places. The same sort of festival food on offer though: lots of beans and lentils.







Some nice solo performers here.





Also, famous bands of the past – Lindisfarne!!




Also the beginning of this years Proms season : so several weeks of nightly classical music concerts.







But, I catch COVID somewhere and am laid low for the month!






A time to catch up on reading. My book of the month on a favoured philosopher: Baruch Spinoza:






Lots of music, but unusually some solo, electric bass by Björn Meyer:





The month ends with Lammas, Loaf Mass day, or Lughnasadh:

Traditionally, the festival that marks the first fruits of harvest. Plenty here:



But, also the first stirrings of the darkness.

Currently, we have a drought – all the grass has turned yellow: